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for the Healthcare Industry

Redox launches new product portfolio to help digital health organisations navigate uncertainty

Healthcare interoperability leader Redox has launched a new product portfolio aimed at helping healthcare organisations and digital health companies grow and adapt in the face of funding challenges and market uncertainty. The products include Redox Nexus, a managed integration platform with FHIR and RESTful APIs; Nexus Lite, a lightweight, self-service offering for digital health product teams; Redox Access, which enables product teams to connect with clinical networks such as Carequality; and Redox Chroma EMPI, an Enterprise Master Patient Index powered by Verato. Additionally, Redox Nova enables organisations to transform legacy standards such as HL7v2, C-CDA, X12, and DICOM into FHIR. The company has also introduced a range of professional service offerings, including technical advice and project coordination.

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