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for the Healthcare Industry

Six Australian projects awarded $7.9 million for improving healthcare equity and patient safety

The National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Project grants have awarded $7.9 million to six projects aimed at improving leadership equity in healthcare, mental health, children’s wellbeing, and patient safety in Australia. These grants enable researchers to partner with policymakers and healthcare providers to design and deliver research that addresses community health needs. One grant of almost $1.5 million awarded to Monash University aims to improve equity and health outcomes by researching organisational interventions to advance women’s representation in healthcare leadership. Other projects include investigating the effectiveness of virtual care for people with chronic diseases in low-socioeconomic neighbourhoods and evaluating the impact of digitally enhancing a large network of mental health services. Funding partners are contributing a further $10.5 million, bringing the total investment in collaborative research to over $18 million. The goal of these projects is to improve healthcare outcomes by identifying problems, asking the right questions, and working with research teams to undertake the research and implement the results.

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