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for the Healthcare Industry

Touchlab launches Välkky: A tele-robot with a ‘sense of touch’ to enhance remote patient care

Finnish deep tech robotics company Touchlab has launched Välkky, a groundbreaking tele-robot with a “sense of touch,” as part of a pilot at Laakso Hospital in Helsinki.  Controlled by operators wearing electronic haptic gloves, Välkky is equipped with advanced electronic skin (e-skin) technology to transmit a sense of touch from its robotic hand to users. The three-month pilot aims to explore how robotics systems can enhance patient care, reduce workload, and minimize the spread of infections. With the potential to measure vital signs, serve meals, and assist with patient care tasks, Välkky could complement existing healthcare staff and alleviate nursing shortages. Touchlab, based in Edinburgh and a tenant of the National Robotarium, benefits from the facility’s research resources and engineering expertise. The initiative aligns with the broader goal of turning Edinburgh into the data capital of Europe through the Data-Driven Innovation initiative.

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