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Abbott’s Healthy Food Rx programme: Significantly improving diabetes management and health outcomes

A 12-month study by the Public Health Institute examined Abbott’s Healthy Food Rx programme, revealing substantial benefits for individuals with diabetes. The initiative provides home-delivered nutritious food boxes, resulting in reduced A1C levels, better diabetes self-management, improved diet quality, and enhanced food security. The real-world study, conducted in Stockton, Calif., showed a significant decrease in A1C levels by 0.80%, surpassing the 0.5% benchmark considered clinically significant. Moreover, participants reported increased ability to manage their diabetes, elevated fruit and vegetable intake, and enhanced food security levels. With over 450 participants enrolled, the programme aims to expand further, targeting an additional 1,000 individuals by year-end. Collaborative efforts with local organisations and positive community responses reinforce the programme’s potential to enhance diabetes management and health outcomes.

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