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Apple survey explores correlations between aberrant uterine bleeding patterns and demographics

According to the most recent Apple Women’s Health Study findings, 16.4% of participants had abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Survey results were used to ensure monthly monitoring, with respondents confirming the accuracy of the information to be included. The subjects were divided into four groups, with 2.9% reporting irregular menstruation, 8.4% reporting infrequent menstruation, 2.3% reporting delayed menstruation, and 6.1% reporting irregular intermenstrual haemorrhage (spotting).

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Those who reported having polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, hyperthyroidism, or hypothyroidism were more likely to be diagnosed with AUB than those who did not. Obesity was also shown to be associated with a greater incidence of AUB. When compared to people within a healthy weight range, those with a bmi higher than 40 had a 94% higher occurrence of extended menstruation and an 18% higher prevalence of AUB. While the results have been released, the study is still going on.

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